
Reasons why I hate the mechanic

- Generally speaking, they are all condescending
- No matter how well I describe what is going on with my truck, they stare at me like I have no idea what I'm talking about and always have a hint of disbelief in their eyes.
- Every time I go there, my truck magically stops acting up.
- The simplest repairs always cost way too much due to the "complexity" of the part.
- The labor aspect is almost always doubled then the price value of the part replaced. (this one i'm somewhat ok with, due to the fac tthat they work their ass off to do it. but still. if it only takes a half hour, i don't want to pay 400 dollars)
- The moment I leave, something else goes wrong
- They always make it sound like I'm wasting their time.
- Yes, it rattles. I don't know why. That's why I brought it to you. I don't need you to tell me that there is a "rattle" you noticed after 3 hours of inspecting it for that exact reason.
- Even if the problem gets fixed, I usually leave in a bad mood.

And that's why I don't want to go take my truck to get its breaks fixed next week.
the end.



pre-spring break

Well, we're at my favorite time of year, at least with Savannah. It is that special time where things start looking better all around, right before mother nature vomits its sick, overpowering, and generally nauseating reproductive organisms known as pollen everywhere.

This natural renaissance tends to make everyone in a better mood, granted it is short lived. Soon the sweltering heat will come and make us all want to die, but until then I'll settle for the weather.

I took a walk the other day realizing I needed a mental break from all the jazz that is the "review". I brought my camera along with me hoping to make some pictures, yet everything wound up looking touristy. While photographing, I realized that this past project was so ridiculously controlled that i needed to break out of it for a while. I attempted to do some hip shots of all the random annoying people I found, but I had my ISO set way too slow and most of the images wound up being blurry.

I found it kind of funny how I somehow managed to gravitate towards garbage cans. I wonder what kind of psycho-analytical bullshit you could pull from that.

Oh and before I go...
here's one for all the ladies

yeah that's right. start aww'ing.



A start

Today is a new day, both obviously and metaphorically speaking of course. Yesterday I went through the process of completing my 45 hour (midpoint) review, and luckily I somehow managed to pass. So to reward myself for actually somewhat completing a body of work, I figured I might as well start a blog to keep tabs on myself and hope some sort of visual and analytical progression comes out of this.

Review body of work: Untitled Series

Clothing functions as a way to define an individual as they present themselves to others. Though it is merely fabric, it conceals the unseen from the rest of society and presents a tangible barrier between what others know and what is known only to ourselves.
Depending on the viewing angle, what is revealed varies from the subtly voyeuristic to the outright exploitive. There is an acknowledgement of resistance, yet there is a simultaneous sense of curiosity which allows themselves to come forth without judgment, yet still fearing the idea of being vulnerable.

The images are printed on film and presented through stacks of plexi-glass, incorporating a visual three dimension aspect. As you move from side to side, the layers correspond with the viewers perspective, creating a man made animation.
